Collection services

Services for Debt

Detective agency in Cherkassy offers to repay debt. This is a very popular service in the difficult realities of modern economic relations. Our detectives will find the right words, and effective methods to persuade your debtor to repay you borrowed money or other tangible assets. Collection services are conducted exclusively within the legal relations.

In planning and conducting activities to repay debt, we are guided by the same principles and techniques that are used by us in investigations, data collection, as well as the performance of other services. Developing a set of methods to influence the debtor, the analysts of our detective agency, first make a psychological portrait of the debtor. As practice shows, it is a portrait of a similarity of 70% of the non-return of the debt.


Providing collection services performed by us even in the most difficult cases. Sometimes a company borrows a significant amount, and then prepares bankruptcy. Official collectors recover such debts do not even try. Our detectives have even in this collection services, and may create a situation in which the debt will be repaid.

Debt recovery in Cherkassy is produced using techniques of persuasion. During the communication with the client agency detectives find his weak points, working on that and achieve the desired result. For some debtors in such a vulnerable place is his goodwill. In any case, each debtor detectives find their approach.

The result of our work with the debtors may be a sale of debt, as well as the assignment of the debt. This method of returning the loan is practiced in case of failure to repay the debt in cash. However, in the event that the debtor has the means of production, raw materials, or other values ​​that may be useful to third parties - novation can easily solve the problem of debt repayment.

Sale of debts can be beneficial to both parties - and the creditor and the debtor. Debt recovery in Cherkassy assignment method can preserve your business reputation of a debtor who is experiencing temporary financial hardship and the lender, which thus can recover their funds. Novation is also quite beneficial for the person who acquires the debt because the debtor using funds on favorable terms, the debt buyer can have some benefit for their business.

 Collection services that our agency provides, based on the adequacy of information on debtors that we collect. As business, and other social relations, based on the positive reputation, the failure of the debt could seriously undermine the social situation of the debtor. Therefore, in most cases, debt is a way to restore the highest priority in the eyes of others.


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