Assist investigators in establishing paternity

Examination of

In some cases, in order to establish the truth, it is necessary examination, because it is necessary findings of experts in a particular field is a sticking point. So when establishing paternity in Cherkassy, ​​examination of DNA can put an end to all controversy on this topic squeamish. At the current pace of life divorces happen very often, so the examination, designed to establish relationships between father and child is carried out frequently enough. In addition to the need to establish paternity, examination of DNA in Ukraine allows to obtain proof or refutation, relatively private and official investigations.

Our agency can speed up this process, because in some cases, its performance and get the results released an extremely limited time. With a tried and tested communications, we do not spend a lot of time to organize and conduct examinations. Being a regular customer laboratories, our detectives are able to receive the results of an independent examination of DNA in order to quickly determine - who belonged to the biomaterial found in the investigation.


Maternal affiliation with the results of this examination - often the only way for identification of victims or missing relatives. It also has to establish paternity by DNA. The materials for the study is the hair, nails and t ... Even under the most severe injuries, damages, up to the complete failure to conduct a visual identification, examination of DNA in Cherkassy can establish the truth of the most accurate.

And the accuracy of such examination is absolute, since the results can not be interpreted ambiguously. In addition, this examination is painless and does not involve with any victims. During the procedure of establishing paternity in Cherkassy, ​​the cost of the examination is exactly the same as in other cities, the cost of DNA testing in the Ukraine is the same. Expert opinion is fully consistent with European standards and unconditionally recognized by the courts. The results of paternity in Cherkassy strictly confidential, as well as the fact of treatment in our agency.

Detectives our agency is often used this expertise in their investigations. In addition to the examination of paternity, the agency provides a number of other examinations.

 We perform linguistic analysis of anonymous texts. This study is conducted with the documents in paper form, and also in electronic form. The documents may contain all sorts of statements contain a wealth of information that this document should not be. In addition, the proposals can be viewed by signs of economic blackmail.

Also, our agency issues a qualified review of the results of public examinations and performing technical and forensic support.


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